have you ever see this tv show? yeah, i think extravaganza is one of television variety show who has a lot of funnies and the most funny i have ever seen.
extravaganza consist of nine main player, they are Tora Sudiro, Aming, Mieke Amalia, Virnie Ismail, Indra Birowo, Sogi, Tike Priatnakusumah, Roni Dozer, dan Ronal Surapradja and few guest star.
It was very funny, i tought all of audience can't stop laughed because of extravaganza acting and they all look like very happy.
although i don't know when this tv show will be show up certainly i very happy and the most important thing is i know litle secret of broadcasting technique.
6:34 PM |
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Comments (7)
we're busy with that :)
i'll try to do the best also my bro keep moving all the way ulah mundur ah pantat mundur perut maju ehh salah pantang mundur kitu maju terus :D wassalam ah kang
Extravagansa adalah Fenomena baru dalam dunia humor
Extravagansa lucunya agak konyol sih.
Tapi sekarang mbosenin..
Lebih suka liat OB...
Sama spongebob..
XtravaganZ emang cihuy..
Paling cinta ama aming..
Gak tau malu, PD abeesshh..!!
apa kabar kang ? moga sehat selalu yahhh.... wah ke trans tv gak mampir ke tempatku nih.... kantorku sebesalh trans tv... salam selalu yahhh
Bener tuh.
Extravaganza lucu, tapi sedikit konyol.
But, generally I like Extravaganza.