B'day party..

Last night i went to dapos (one of cozy food court in margonda depok),
actually we are one division in FA&IT, our new division head called Mr. Mon,
he is forreigner here, workaholik, nice person and very care with us.

we was very happy.. after dinner, after kidding each other we are singing directly, dancing like a crazy
it was very nice experience..
thanks god i got nice friend, i got nice booss
Last night i went to dapos (one of cozy food court in margonda depok),
actually we are one division in FA&IT, our new division head called Mr. Mon,
he is forreigner here, workaholik, nice person and very care with us.
we was very happy.. after dinner, after kidding each other we are singing directly, dancing like a crazy
it was very nice experience..
thanks god i got nice friend, i got nice booss
2:24 AM |
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Comments (3)
Dapos? Where is it?
keknya seru nih..
njir gaya si eta ajojing sagala dangdutan nyak kang :D salam euy thank's for the tips handle it heula nyak kang hampura mun engke gawe nyorangan heula uing butuh waktu eutik sigana ngarenung euy asli but that's life mun euweuh masalah mah curiga aya di surga nyak kang bener eta..:) do'ana we nyak kang sing gancang manggih jalan anu lebih hade euy uing yakin kana ka Adilan Anjeunna wassalam kang..
Hi..Abdul,lain kali kalo mau party ajak-ajak wati donk!!jangan lupa yah!!Please...!!