Almost everyone in the World excited to celebrates New Year's Eve as a holiday that brings in the new year, including you, don't you?.
New year, new sallary, new spirit, new wishlist, new lucky...
I hope this comming 2007 year will be nice.
Happy new year for all of you....
11:46 PM |
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Again and again, hangout with my crazy division, with my lovely friends...

It happened on last friday after office hour we went to hanamasa restaurant one of cozy place in cibubur to throw the full brain away, to make a fresh thought, to laugh like a crazy and everything to be laughable and to enjoy the weekend.

all of us be crazy...
Actualy I didn't know some what we ate, but nothing to loose we ate everything we want, we drank anything we wish, everything moved to our table, we made a crowded situation, we created a lodly sounded and certainly we made the other visitors "boring time". that night was ours
be an artist an Jepreeeeeet cabuuuuut.....
next on 2007 january will continue, what place.. just waiting...
12:46 AM |
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Name : SdnKotabaruserang
Category : education website
Launching : saturday, Dec 16 06
Status : OnlineOnce again my responsibility is done, after 2 weeks layout improved, small functions and procedures modified and configured our cms to sdnkotabaruserang and finaly it done
sdnkotabaru serang using
cdm cms was launched last saturday with amazing thought and responses.
I hope its usefull and can help to education progress, Please give your feedback and
comment on their
testimonialCongratulations for SDN Kota Baru Serang.
12:05 AM |
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B'day party..

Last night i went to dapos (one of cozy food court in margonda depok),
actually we are one division in
IT, our new division head called
Mr. Mon,
he is forreigner here, workaholik, nice person and very care with us.

we was very happy.. after dinner, after kidding each other we are singing directly, dancing like a crazy
it was very nice experience..
thanks god i got nice friend, i got nice booss
2:24 AM |
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One week leave, one week hibernate to take a vacation of course. Lebaran idul fitri 1427H mohon maaf lahir bathin yaaa, please forgive me, for whole my fault..
5:50 PM |
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In the name of Allah,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful...
O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that ye may (learn) self-restraint.
(Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill or on a journey the prescribed number (should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (with hardship) is a ransom the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more of his own free will it is better for him and it is better for you that ye fast if ye only knew.
Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an as a guide to mankind also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So everyone of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting but if anyone is ill or on a journey the prescribed period (should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you He does not want to put you to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful
Qur'an 2:183-185 Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow)
Welcome Ramadhan..
9:42 PM |
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After sleep tight, I remember that many friends emailed me and i just ignored, they said why no longer active with blogs.
hmmmm, it was very difficult, because I don't understand, i didn't do anything, almost all day long i stayed in front off my pc, just make some module for my own
CMSI just ensured that my engines working properly, i gave full concern to my cyber friend who excited with his job, hope he glad with my job with my huge creation i think.
last i'll do my best booz if you need me just buzz me or call me whenever you need, you know my lucky number huuh.
C u on next trip brow...
5:59 AM |
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Refreshing from
my daily buzy, yesterday evening my coworker and I went to
TransTV to watching one of they spectacular variety show called extravaganza.
have you ever see this tv show? yeah, i think extravaganza is one of television variety show who has a lot of funnies and the most funny i have ever seen.
extravaganza consist of nine main player, they are
Tora Sudiro, Aming, Mieke Amalia, Virnie Ismail, Indra Birowo, Sogi, Tike Priatnakusumah, Roni Dozer, dan
Ronal Surapradja and few guest star.
It was very funny, i tought all of audience can't stop laughed because of extravaganza acting and they all look like very happy.
although i don't know when this tv show will be show up certainly i very happy and the most important thing is i know litle secret of broadcasting technique.
6:34 PM |
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almost two weeks I was looking for notebook informations and specifications of course, and I asked my coworker about my choice and directly he told me that nice, good looking and not bad it's good enough.. so i decide to chose this laptop because it has a lot of features
last saturday i went to mangga dua mall to bought
relion LM-TW12K 1.6 Ghz 12.1" XGA TFT with DVD/CD-RW and finally I chose it as my new instrument, i bought this stuff at
prodigi shop
there, i trying to connect to the internet using
wifi connection and wuuups it works... and one of feature who make me interested is loudspeaker, it sound like surround effect i was happy about that and I hope I don't make mistake with my choice.
actualy I knew it's not the best but i will keep it and also i will use this stuff as good as possible
before having my new instrument i often losing my time because my desktop pc is used by my little brother, he look like too much task from his lecture and i don't want to disturb him
I have bisnis with my best friend, it called
creative digital mind and now i give my full concern for building our bisnis and i wish i will be able to make it a 'huge bisnis'
next.. i need your advice and your comment please and surely if you have experience with this brand, what should i do..
so would you like to share your experience...?
7:20 PM |
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starting to build my own cms, nothing special just preparing layout format for
I would like to create cms engine to support my
tiny bisnis, its necessary because my partner don't like external cms, he told me that he want me to develop our content management system.
I hope its begining for our better future guys...
6:03 AM |
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between "it's good" and "one hundred percent", I met with someone who look like so religius and one things I have question in my head. finally I know her name, usually the other call her Miss. Novi.
she has one question to us, and every people answering with different opinion.
it's about statement she's said and I'm interested.
she gave the others "it's good" result, but only for me she told "I give you one hundred percent", why did she told that?
I'm a bit confuse about it, is it better the first statement or may be second statement?
can you give me your opinion guys? and would you please give me the reason also.
aaaah thanks folks
1:59 AM |
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Yesterday I'm very confuse about
creativesite, actually i'm stuck with plesk instead of cpanel, when I was setup limbo as cms i got message that show me that i don't have privilege to write the file, I was configure the root directory and also virtual directory i'm sure it's writeable folder.
so after dinner i try to connect to the internet through dialup connection phone line, I'm using total commander as ftp manager to upload document and i'm happy because it work properly i'm so excited about that.
i try to setup mambo cms and i don't find any problem during installing that application and after modify a few images i got
this one. but i'm still confuse about root directory, temporarily i'm using redirect method to move the link honestly i would like to talk with
qq but he is sleeping and also
iis but he is busy so who will assist me and give some idea for me huuh??
overall i'm happy and i learn about this case of course
6:59 AM |
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today i not find the message ' time out query' again, I surprised perhaps because i using
this tools.for a few days ago i'm so confuse with my query because I using 'case' with my query and make it crosstab or pivot query layout, basicly i tried to create my own query which reporting pivot table and always stuck with that
This tools supports all of the latest SQL Server features. It offers plenty of powerful tools for experienced users such as Visual Database Designer and Visual Query Builder to satisfy all their needs even a newbie will not be confused with it.
Thanks EMS it works...
5:46 PM |
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"good deed not only with the intention but also having accompanied with science"
Sometimes we forget what we do, we assume all goodness, but don't, we only human being of habit which do not miss from wrong and sin and surely forgetting and the man who good not meaning which have never done mistake. but when wrong, they will fixing that mistake.
Seperti biasanya hari ini (kamis) aku niat puasa sunah senin/kamis, tapi sekitar jam 4 sore wawan (adikku) telpon dari rumah, dia bilang "a hari ini puasa?" aku bilang "insyaalah" kemudian spontan kata dia "cepet batalin, hari ini hari
Astaghfirullah, bener-bener lupa aku bahwa hari ini hari tasyrik yang memang diharamkan untuk berpuasa, karena disekitar ga ada sesuatu yang bisa dimakan langsung aja aku niat untuk ngebatalin puasaku hari ini dari pada dosa.
Tasyrik, ya kemarin hari raya iedul adha atau hari raya Kurban jatuh pada hari kesepuluh pada bulan Zulhijjah, bulan terakhir pada kalender Hijriah Islam. 10 Zulhijjah merupakan sejarah penting dalam Islam di mana Nabi Adam dan isterinya Hawa dikeluarkan dari syurga dan diturunkan ke bumi sebelum berjumpa di padang Arafah.
Hari tasyrik adalah tanggal 11, 12 dan 13 bulan Zulhijjah. Pada tiga hari itu umat Islam masih dalam suasana perayaan hari Raya Idul Adha sehingga
masih diharamkan untuk berpuasa. Pada tiga hari itu masih dibolehkan untuk menyembelih hewan qurban sebagai ibadah yang disunnahkan sejak zaman nabi Ibrahim as.
Dan sekarang tanggal 12 Zulhijjah dan aku harus segera membatalkan puasaku. mudah-mudahan tidak menjadi dosa, amien
5:57 AM |
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Sometimes we need to show report to show summary information at the intersection of row and columns called crosstab report.
Sometimes it is necessary to rotate results so that columns are presented horizontally and rows are presented vertically. This is known as creating a
PivotTable, creating a
cross-tab report, or
rotating data.
Assume there is a table Pivot that has one row per quarter. A SELECT of Pivot reports the quarters vertically, the following is sample data :
SELECT Year,Quarter,Amount
FROM Pivot
Order BY Year
Year Quarter Amount
---- ------- ------
1990 1 1.1
1990 2 1.2
1990 3 1.3
1990 4 1.4
1991 1 2.1
1991 2 2.2
1991 3 2.3
1991 4 2.4
A report must be produced with a table that contains one row for each year, with the values for each quarter appearing in a separate column, such as:
| Q1
| Q2
| Q3
| Q4
| 1.1
| 1.2
| 1.3
| 1.4
| 2.1
| 2.2
| 2.3
| 2.4
This is the SELECT statement used to create the rotated results:
SUM(CASE Quarter WHEN 1 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Q1,
SUM(CASE Quarter WHEN 2 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Q2,
SUM(CASE Quarter WHEN 3 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Q3,
FROM Pivot
This SELECT statement also handles a table in which there are multiple rows for each quarter. The GROUP BY combines all rows in
Pivot for a given year into a single row in the output. When the grouping operation is being performed, the CASE functions in the SUM aggregates are applied in such a way that the
Amount values for each quarter are added into the proper column in the result set and 0 is added to the result set columns for the other quarters.
source : MSSQL Server 2000 book
7:32 PM |
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